Please call 541-882-BURN (2876) prior to burning, outdoor burning is limited to organic material such as tree litter, branches etc. A burn pile should be limited to 6'x6'x4' and be attended at all times with a garden hose within reach of the pile.
Founded in 1947 as Stewart Lennox Rural Fire Protection District by a group of community members concerned with fire danger. The community purchased one used fire truck and The District has grown from there.
Currently Klamath County Fire District #4 is still located at 4041 Balsam Drive. Over the years we have grown into an All Risk, All Hazards fire department. We respond to the same calls and receive the same training as big city agencies just on a smaller scale.
We run on average approximately 700 calls for service per year, 80% of which are medical in nature.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
We love our community, so feel free to schedule a visit.
Klamath County Fire District 4
4041 Balsam, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, US